dévellopeur d"applications - traducción al francés
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dévellopeur d"applications - traducción al francés

Applications environment; Integrated applications environment; Applications manager

développeur d'applications      
n. software developer, one that deals with the development of computer applications
dévellopeur d'applications      
n. software developer, one that deals with the development of computer applications


(also edh)
¦ noun an Old English letter, . or ?, representing the dental fricatives ? and ?, eventually superseded by the digraph th.
from Dan. edh, perh. representing the sound of the letter.


Operating environment

In computer software, an operating environment or integrated applications environment is the environment in which users run application software. The environment consists of a user interface provided by an applications manager and usually an application programming interface (API) to the applications manager.

An operating environment is not a full operating system, but is a form of middleware that rests between the OS and the application. For example, the first version of Microsoft Windows, Windows 1.0, was not a full operating system, but a GUI laid over DOS albeit with an API of its own. Similarly, the IBM U2 system operates on both Unix/Linux and Windows NT. Usually the user interface is text-based or graphical, rather than a command-line interface (e.g., DOS or the Unix shell), which is often the interface of the underlying operating system.

In the mid 1980s, text-based and graphical user interface operating environments surrounded DOS operating systems with a shell that turned the user's display into a menu-oriented "desktop" for selecting and running PC applications. These operating environment systems allow users much of the convenience of integrated software without locking them into a single package.